Miss Antigone sure is getting a lot of buzz lately with other music bloggers like Arjan and XO and that is just music to our ears. We are super excited to have Antigone headline our first ever Electroqueer club night on June 19th at Barcode in Soho and word on the street is that she is also doing one of our favourite nights aka Popshow on June 14th along with the cuties that are Electrovamp and some other hot new rising acts.
Antigone is blowing up people and here are 10 reasons why we love her so much – in no particular order.
10. Her sense of style is like no other. I’m sure if she wasn’t making music – she’d be ruling the catwalk in some way, shape or form.
9. She gives a whole new meaning to the term, "Lady In Red".
8. Her work with Justin Shave on her new album is absolutely orbital. We’ve been lucky enough to hear a preview and all we can say is "like totally blown away". You will be too.
7. Her debut track "Funky Dancers" was one of my favourite tracks last year. Very burlesque with an electro twist. I could listen to it over and over and over and over…and it demonstrates that she is not just a dancefloor queen, she’s so much more…
6. "More Man Than Man" is hands-down, our soundtrack to the summer. You’ve heard it now and I know you can’t disagree. And if you haven’t heard it yet, what else could you possibly say is the perfect summer soundtrack. I thought so.
5. She is the original "Uberwoman" and girl-power defined for 2008.
4. Antigone never rests people. She’s always cooking up sumpin new in Antigoneland.
3. She’s the only woman I know that can pull off a pink catsuit in the middle of British winter.
2. She’s a lady of social responsibility and thinks worldly instead of just of herself. I applaud that.
1. And finally, if it wasn’t for Antigone, I wouldn’t have had one of the best nights out in my life. Which only leads you all to believe that above all, it’s all about fun – and Antigone brings it wherever she goes. Make sure you don’t miss her at Electroqueer in London on June 19th!