Now I guess you could say that Eli Lieb has honed the market of soft hearted pop rock quite convincingly since we became aware of the emotionally empowering singer some time ago now.
Eli shows no let up in making this formula into his signature brand either as the singer / songwriter has now released a sentimentally touching new song, which relates to going out on the perfect date, with the perfect one who completes you and just having the bestest time ever. What could be better than that! ……. Maybe the name of the song………. “Zeppelin”?…… No?……. Maybe a look at the video then!
Oh yes, It’s all pretty much a story unfolding from the lyrics whereby Eli near sings his heart out concerning the evening spent in the zone of quality time with the one that gets him most. The one you can sing in the car with, although if you were going to sing alongside Eli you’ve got to have some courage about you I’d say, fantastically gifted singer that he is.
Lastly, the whole overview of these visuals are tastefully intimate and captured so beautifully, that one’s certain to feel a similar sudden rush of Bryan Adams “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You” coming over us.
Oh tingles, its quite heart racing and heart embracing stuff from Eli Lieb once more.