Superfruit is Mitch Grassi and Scott Hoying of the 3x Grammy Award winning and multi-platinum selling group, Pentatonix. They have just launched the first part of their two-part debut studio album “Future Friends” and have delivered a great video concept for current single “Worth It (Perfect)“.
It’s a fast-paced dance routine which the action is centered around a young boy and a young girl who swap gender roles and take to the floor in ballroom hold. It’s enough to make your heart melt at the social message it sends. These two youngsters are amazingly good dancers too and just super cute.
Superfruit has got the recipe right in the visual mix of the track too and also got it nailed on the vocally soulfully-infused dance pop soundtrack. It’s one that you’ll catch yourself singing along to in no time at all.
Find Superfruit on:
Twitter: @sup3rfruit