These five fitties make-up American girl band G.R.L. and they are quite ruling the waves stateside right as of now as the newest hot property within girl band circles, mostly brought to being with regards to their recent co-starring role on “Wild Wild Love” with Pitbull which scored them a top ten hit here in the UK.
Striking whilst the iron is hot, on the back of this pretty major success over here, the Dr Luke protégées Lauren, Paula, Natasha, Simone and Emmalyn arrive of their own accord and ready up to deliver unto us “Ugly Heart” their ditty about falling in love with an attractively good looking dude who on the surface comes across as Mr perfection, only to discover that what beats within him isn’t so sweetly made-up.
Anyway as the melody kicks through the strummed intro it leads into a colourful pop anthem orchestrated chorus consisting of a slew of put-down remarks directed at the said bad lad in question. All of which is likely to score some way with the female population especially who have been wronged at some time or other by a handsome ugly heart encounter.
The video consists of G.R.L. working up to the camera, swishing their bods and hair and ending up down a police station presumably as the result of committing the crime of dancing on the desks of their office day jobs.
Bizarre is as bizarre does, but it is the chorus on “Ugly Heart” which serves as the tracks main focus of listener engagement and participation.