Electronic pop legends the Pet Shop Boys multi-decade’s spanning career can all pretty much mean they get to call shots. So be it that it appears they have done so in going into the “Super” promotional campaign.
From fly-posting mysterious billboard notices, to filtering out high end, pristine electronica recalling the glory days. The duo are not intent on spawning hit singles in the sense of what the youth of today would rack up into chart positions. As previous single “The Pop Kids” went out of its way to enlighten, “Super” Chris and Neil’s latest studio album firmly has its accent on the nostalgia of their former innovative creations which have well served their 30 year long career in electronic pop.
When the Pet Shop Boys first started out, as well as the music they were quite at the cutting edge of video too, yet it seems to me the duo are not so embraced of the medium as of right now. Well not in the sense of using it to promote the face of the band. Perhaps it is that they are retaining all the aesthetically creative presence for the upcoming stage shows, which having just been announced take in the United States, Canada, Germany, Holland, Denmark and Russia from October this year, with further dates including the UK to be added soon after. (See Here for tour information)
Afterall, it is a pretty busy time ahead for PSB, as lest we forget they’ve a rather swanky 4 night residency at the Royal Opera House – London in July to be getting on with first!
There is nothing to stop them rolling out another focus single first though, and they’ve plumped for the statement making “Twenty Something”. The rather austere tell all tale of a young father struggling to provide for his family who in an attempt from keeping them going under, becomes embroiled in some undesirable gangland activity. It paints of picture of what is unfortunately the reality of life for some people.
Clearly, in this instance this kind of role-played video treatment works best anyways, in heightening the impact of the track’s poignant narrative. But guess in the meantime, we’re in for the waiting game of will they? or won’t they? indulge us in one of their more PSB in-keeping EPIC video’s.