EQ staple Solomon is hard at work on his official debut album, Why Boys Cry, set for a release in early 2014 and still had time to film a simple, meaningful music video to go along with his current single, the emotional and heartbreaking “The Way We Were“, which premiered early Monday morning.
Opening with a scene of complete loneliness as the artist tries to deal with the end of his relationship, the idea of having to move on in life without the one you love, the video does a great job at focusing on Solomon‘s impressive vocal performance on the somber track while still embodying the feelings the artist must have felt when recording the single.
Throughout the visual, viewers are able to witness Solomon still trying to make it through his usual daily routine, making dinner for two, reminiscing on the past by looking through old photographs, and just feeling lost and on the verge of breaking. Even though the music video highlights the singer’s charming good looks, deep down we are able to see his struggles.
“The Way We Were” is a strong visual to go along with a hard-hitting, real and meaningful pop track. No crazy special effects, no dance numbers, just true artistic work at its best.