Through the swings and roundabouts of pop beginnings we recently became aware that Olly Wride / Joywride had once again morphed into a new band guise, to that of Farra.
Having gone throughout each reinvention with a consistent power pop / glam rock stance, Farra continue to kick ass with a crunchy, ear moshing and synth embellished debut on “Spotlights”.
Definitely coming in with some clout on the blazing glam punk end of the pop spectrum, it is nothing but superly steeped in hard hitting energy.
In presenting their debut promo visual to coincide with this properly foot stomping release, Farra establish upon their identity as a live band foremost by giving us an intimate performance captured clip, suitably with the onus on almost fiery lighting FX.
By experiencing the video package on “Spotlights” you should at least expect your pop senses to be jolted side-ways and your visual senses to be dazed a little by the overall white-hot intensity given off these electro-rock beaming super troopers.
“Spotlights” is released on June 9th.