You know, I wasn’t too sure how I felt about Betty Who’s new track “Some Kinda Wonderful” when it hit the webisphere a couple of weeks ago. It’s not often that I sit perched on the fence at all!
I can tell you, I’ve been in quite a place with this particular track from Ms Who. And when it comes to Betty Who. Well, previous to this, I’ve always seen her as being a great ambassador for pop. So thus, you can all appreciate a little of how these two combined factors have ebbed away at me so much. This was all until, after channel hopping my way through the TV channels the last week, whereupon I landed on a commercial that uses Gwen Stefani’s “Hollaback Girl” in a humorous light for its part in advertising an insurance comparison website. I then suddenly realised that perhaps in actual fact “Hollaback Girl” was the missing link that would see me re-evaluating and looking at Betty Who’s “Some Kinda Wonderful” in a new light.
Quick smart I then listened to both of these tracks flipped back-to-back and oh, how did my thoughts change about “Some Kinda Wonderful” all down to the power of Gwen Stefani’s cheerleader pop smash, firmly ensconced in the back of my mind. I now rather see the whole quirky bigger picture and “Some Kinda Wonderful” is really growing on me and working it’s pom, pom pushing, popalicious magic.
Maybe if Betty had thrown a few poms, poms into her video, I might have gotten back to my happy place in the Who Crew fandominium all the more quicker. Nevertheless, you can’t put a foot wrong when you set the location for your pop music video in a Laundrette. For one thing there’s opportunities a plenty for casting shirtless hunks, in tight denims (don’t we all like an eyeful of that!).
I’ve often referred to Betty Who’s music is as being fun and frothy pop anyways. Makes perfect sense to me that Betty should be singing this in such a bubbly environment as a launderette.