Would we pass up an opportunity to share a cute pop song and even more adorable video by Canadian synth-pop artist Lights?
Well as it stands right now, the ladies in electronic pop in general have gone noticeably on the quiet side with their output, so to see that Lights is continuing to back-up her “Little Machines” album release of last year with a sci-fi transformed visual treat is especially more than cause for whoops of delight than usual.
On the receiving end of the futuristic assisted cyber storyboard is the “Little Machines” track “Same Sea” which aside from bringing out a retro encrusted melody also offers up the appropriate narrative direction telling of people who are parted and always on the move in time and distance that being together at a point in time takes some effort on their part.
And thus, on this futuristic themed journey Lights is activated as a time travelling cyborg who goes big brother looking in on her future and past self.
It seems to me whichever transformed version of Lights we look at, all of them appear to be nothing less than pop pixie perfect and can ultimately deliver a shimmering slice of synth-pop to ring out through time continuums and reach future generations of listeners.