It’s another case of successful electronic pop filtering over the pond from the USA for a stabbing chance at gaining favour with the UK audience.
This one from Boston housed electronic pop outfit Magic Man may have taken a journey to arrive here, but we already had our feelers out on it over a year ago when it was launched online as demo causing mass hype-buzz whilst, in its wake saw the 5 piece team up with the folks at Neon Gold to give it a swift release.
Now inked with RCA Magic Man also have a proper video treatment served up in the can.
Hell yeah so you probably might have thought that the only video you’d be seeing today featuring, for want of a better description – body choreography, would come via hot band of the moment Years & Years, but no as every other outlet has run with that and although I quite enjoy Years & Years current song “King“, my love today instead goes to the synth tripping collective of Magic Man.
Besides you won’t be seeing hula-hooping, headless dancers or a lady person doing the splits up a tree in the Years & Years video!