Party pop peoples rejoice! Although, we haven’t heard much from former LMFAO’s everso shy and retiring pop persona (NOT) Redfoo in a while, he’s in for tricks and about to hot foot it back onto the UK music scene, resplendently larger-than-life and wiggling it to a new saxy beat creation.
Hip-pop’s alpha afro-man is bringing his latest boppy, sax influential transatlantic hit “New Thang” to these shores under the self esteem of his own Party Rock label and all in time for the party season.
The visual experience of “New Thang” is back in with the ‘Foo signature formula of flirty fun and sees the audacious as ever Redfoo partake in a dance battled sax-off with the tracks guesting instrumentalist, both bidding it out to become victorious in winning-over an entourage of swooning lady lovely types.
Not to miss a trick in grabbing creative control on this one, let’s just say we see there’s been no need for Redfoo to seek H & M or Boohoo endorsements for his LaFreak clothing range!