
I couldn’t think of a better way to ease back into blogging after being away on holiday than sharing my thoughts on the “Living to Die” music video by Nic Billington. I am always excited to watch The Saint Nic Studios productions since they are meticulous and stylish. Although, what I enjoy the most is the bold visual aesthetic Nic uses to explore the themes in the narrative of his songs. Since he is renowned for creating striking storyboard pieces which significantly encapsulate the mood and individual concept of these works. Moreover, these clips are comparable on the scale of movie trailers.

I already expressed my excitement for a “Living to Die” music video upon sharing my thoughts when the track was released in December 2022 (here). Therefore, Nic’s latest music video epic was at the top of my checklist for review when I returned home from sailing around the Artic Circle and Norway on holiday these past two weeks.

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Nic explains the video concept as…

“an almost literal take on “swimming against the current”. The music video shot beneath the River Thames in London follows me down a one-way foot tunnel while veering through crowds of people walking in the opposite direction.

Because the song questions the status quo, I wanted the visuals to do the same. The conflict I experience along the way represents people’s unwillingness to change. It’s bold and rebellious yet vulnerable at the same time.”

Nic has a masterful grasp of ideas and I have observed how his visual work displays these ideas to great effect many times. There is no questioning that Nic puts in maximum effort. Everything he strives to achieve is all-in. Through his lyrics, he drives the creation of engaging and impactful music videos that evoke strong emotions in viewers. Seeing this much talent from an independent artist is as impressive as it unquestionably appears his future will be also.

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