I won’t have it said that I don’t drift out of the electronic-pop appreciative box on occasion, when a hot vocal talent gives me rise to do so. As there is always that one that got away feeling that will eat away at me. Besides that, if I don’t take action by writing up and sharing out, if only as a way of putting the quietners on the smug little voice peeps up in my head from chipping in “you don’t seriously want to let this one skip through the net now do you Mandy”. To tell the truth the mutterings that inner-voice of mine makes can be a total drag at times.
In every way, newcomer Rhys Lewis has a finer fettled voice in silky smooth impressiveness than my pesky inner-voice ever been known to have. And I’m damn fire certain you’d rather gen up on my thoughts about Rhys anyways.
So you know what it is, when a new artist is pitched at you with a press release laden with glowing quotes of recommendation. There also comes with it thoughts that your expectations are likely to fall some way short but sometimes actually the reverse comes into play and you’re stopped in your tracks. Singer, songwriter Rhys Lewis falls into this category.
Rhys’s sophomore single “Living In The City” is a giant piano orchestrated piece which embeds an upbeat tone of euphoria with you, largely down to the dynamically versatile vocal style that Rhys’ old school, soulful charm runs by with assuredly in this song.
Rhys isn’t the first and won’t be the last to be pressed into thinking the grass is greener on the other side or to be taken aside by a bothersome inner-voice pointing out, all the good things he should actually be remembering of why he wanted to live in the city in the first place. Equally there is nothing wrong with dreaming big and having aspirations either. It’s a question of finding a balance that suits in all things that lead to a happy life in the majority of us. Rhys Lewis “Living In The City” is the epitome of this.
By the way if you ever wondered what happened to the community dancing group out of Fat Boy Slim’s “Praise You” video, I think you might find they’ve moved up to London town and can be seen practising more of their freaky movement making, popping up all over the city. Good job in seeking these dudes out Rhys, it’s a joy to see they’ve all lost none of their elasticity over the years.