Photo: Kellen Photography
Give it up for Backstreet Boy member AJ. McLean, as he’s out here putting out some powerful, fly-off-your-seat pop rock, brought into action by social issues that continue to cause friction in this new century world of ours.
Issues relating to Homophobia, race and pretty much applicable to most anti-opposing social topics which flare up a level of controversy and negative atmosphere.
Incensed by the state of awareness regarding many of today’s society’s dark topical issues as most good citizens are, AJ. McLean has turned his skills to a greater source of good. Acting upon his freedom fighting instincts the singer/songwriter is seeking action through the power of song and the setting up of the “Live Together Foundation” which champions casting differences aside, in the hope that a unified social atmosphere will one day prevail.
Linking up with friend and major league songwriter to the stars (Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls, Leona Lewis, Backstreet Boys) Jordan James, the pairing who are also working on AJ’s debut album “The Anthem” are going forward in the first instance, changing the world one lyric at a time with standalone single “Live Together”.
The narrative issues a potent statement of awareness which is furtherto backed-up by a provocative visual, graphically depicting scenes of social unrest and the realisation that this is the screwed-up kind of world the younger generation are growing up in.
Powerful imagery go hand-in-hand with a powerful pop song and in this instance it certainly raises the power bar on anything that we have heard from AJ in his being with BSB!
In going forward into AJ’s debut album “The Anthem” though, we’ll see more of the pop sensible side of AJ. McLean that we are accustomed too, see these song snippets here and here.