In May this year, I shared a blog post about the Norwegian singer-songwriter Anna of the North. In the piece, I highlighted that she had collaborated with Gus Dapperton on the track “Meteorite“. (It was noted that the song was the first focus release of Anna’s third album). In the feature, I mentioned, ‘I do not seem to write about Anna of the North way near enough.’ Which is also a wholly valid statement. Similarly, however, I have written about many other Norwegian music artists this year. With this in mind. It was important to me, nonetheless, not to overlook the fact that Anna’s new album “Crazy Life” is releasing on November 4th. Neither that, a new focus single, “I Do You“, is now out.
Dreamy, shimmering synths are her signature sound and what I have come to expect from her. In her project, she doesn’t take risks, and neither does she need to. When the music possesses a timeless quality, for instance, it continually enchants and spellbinds in equal measure. Staying within her sonic realm. These are feelings that Anna of the North always makes of point of representing in her music videos. And where she sets to work to captivate by connecting with us and being relatable.
She explains “I Do You” simply by saying, “I wrote a song about my inferiority complex”.
Further elaborating…
“Too many times have I been in the situation where I put other people before myself. I imagine everyone around me being so happy and successful. Like other people are so in control of themselves and their feelings. It’s like I give other people superpowers. We say that we’re our own worst enemy. And I’m definitely mine. I wish sometimes that I could see myself from another perspective. I wish that I could look at myself, like I look at others…If I did me, like I do you.”
The project of Anna Lotterud has already proved its mastery in merging timeless vibes with the digital-styled sounds of the modern pop landscape. Above all. I can both see this and hear it, even if she cannot. She is naturally an endearing performer/artist. An indie-pop darling in the truest sense of the expression.
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