
Photo: Kate Kondratieva

Kazaky maybe down in numbers, thankfully they’re not out of music and performance art. Although considering the short-sighted passing of anti-gay laws in Kazaky’s homeland, it has not been the easiest times for the trio to push through bringing new work to light under current conditions, especially so with a keen LGBT following.

We remain heartened at the continued resolve shown in making their voices and art heard, over unjust political legislation.

As in some sort of reinforcement, Kazaky now present the latest visual content served of their classy signature expressive showmanship in representation of their electronically enlightened track “What You Gonna Do”.

Brothers Kazaky we hear your rightfully, empoweringly refrain!

What you gonna do, You have to know, I have to know, We want to know, Is it my choice? You ask me once, You ask me twice, I said three times, What you gonna do?