Would you believe me if I told you that I’ve been aching to hear new material from Secret Weapons? Well, it’s absolutely the truth. When the Brooklyn duo first broke upon the new music scene with the infectiously impacting debut “Something New”, followed closely by their scintillating pop endowed self-titled EP, I felt a real buzz of connection with these songs – in a pinch of old meets a twist of new sort of approach.
In Secret Weapons I could see two savvy dudes who exuded it all. The gift of composing hook laden, instantly memorable buzzy melodies combined with an accomplished style of craftsmanship and a flair for doling out relatable distinctive lyrics, which waste no time in getting stuck in your head. Yet, on the back of the successful response spawned from the debut material there’s been the not so small matter of getting even more creative and putting together an album, for those people like myself who have struck up a craving for the bands bold and upbeat brand of music making.
The time is now ripe to lift the lid on the first release coming off of the album. You’ll notice “Ghost” is drenched in funkiness and ultimately served by a sound mix which seamlessly taps into rich ‘n’ deep, savvy accentuated neo-soul.
What we can take from this single, is that Secret Weapons aren’t about being hemmed into tags, genres and boxes. It seems to me they are capable of zooming off and keeping things fresh by openly embracing an artistic style creativeness.
The video is a bit flash too with the animated digital art, where disco meets Tron.