The ladies of Say Lou Lou visualize upon their upcoming and might we add rather brilliant synth pop shimmering single “Everything We Touch” with a video suited and dressed to thrill in a gilded vision of all round Swedish loveliness.
As the synth pop darlings exclaim “Everything we touch turns to gold at night” in Say Lou Lou’s case it seems so, when you stop by the tanning shop of an evening for a double dip treatment, as specifically Say Lou Lou’s midas touch turns over the spray gun setting to that of gold leaf gleaming which also comes with the added bonus of a free top coat glossing of laser beams.
Unlike their previous heavily dramatically plot-lined video efforts “Everything We Touch” is one that is all very pleasant to look at without the need to sit on the edge of our seats.
Since Say Lou Lou have invited us in, we should just sit back and enjoy the 24 carat golden beauty of it all.