Throw away an A. an E. an I. an O. and a U. Look we don’t need them coz we’re street wise “Dwntwn Kds”, yes I know this group of letters looks as though a toddler has swiped their finger over the PC keyboard and pressed send, but I can overlook the bad grammar as the tune is a synth-mazingly warming pop anthem and it’s rather gotten under my skin.

Philly-born L.A based pop artist Mike Taylor melds a profusion of pop, urban & hip-hop into an 80’s drum pad driven toetapper, which is synth snappy and slinky smooth with the urban pop vocal colouring.

The big kid in me is also succoured in by the video depiction of Philly nightlife and wants hangout time with Mike’s street party crowd, it’ll be my shout out at the fast food snack bar, if the “Dwntwn Kds” allow me grace to pretend I’m still a kid, a little and accept me into your inner circle.

Let’s take a look at Philadelphia’s shiny streetlights and have fries, sides and soda pop’s with this.

[youtube height=”360″ width=”640″][/youtube]