Speaking about, the Børns track “I Don’t Want U Back” a few weeks ago (while waiting for sophomore album “Blue Madonna” to drop) I described the Michigan singer’s music style as “erring towards the unpredictable” but, “overall I quite, liked the dreamy feeling the music evoked.” I was, however, somewhat curious as to how the new album would eventually play out because of the way the singer’s debut long player “Dopamine” had previously been lauded by tastemakers and the press. The album “Blue Madonna” was released on January 12th, and as I had predicted it didn’t particularly, hit the mark for me as I found the majority of the tracks too far gone psychedelic for my taste. I do really, like the track “I Don’t Want U Back” though as I find it more sonically fitting to my taste in dreamy electronic pop.
The truth is, I think Børns falsetto is to die for and I was really, hoping that something on the new album would fall into place for me, enabling me to write about just how much the singer’s upper register makes me swoon. All opportunities to do so, lie with this current single so, it’s very nice that a video has been made for the song.
Børns song about sleeping with your ex one last time goes to a place most people know is not a wise idea, although when under the influence from downing a glass or two of adult-pop, the lines blur between sense and sensibility. The video shows the singer confronting his ex and allowing his former partner to cosy up as he busts all attempts of a reconciliation hitting back with some sweetly sung, home truths. I wouldn’t advise you to watch this video if you choke up easily over your romantic past as the visual sure hits an emotional nerve, about when love breaks down.
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