
Watch “Devil’s In The Details” by Jennifer Paige

Jennifer Paige just came through with the perfect video for her new single “Devil’s In The Details” that’s everything we wanted it to be.

Being the case that we haven’t seen anything of Jennifer visually at least, for such a way long time. It’s a feast for our eyes to see the former 90’s pop icon gracing our screens again and still looking every way babelicious.

Just so you’re quite clear on it, we were wanting a video with plenty of Jennifer placed at the centre of attention and this is exactly what we have been given.

Devil’s In The Details” the debut track from Jennifer’s upcoming album “Starflower”, is wonderfully, stunning pop balladry and showcases a truly transcending elegance about it which is so impressionably mesmerizing. (Want more thoughts about the song – peep the previous track review on it here).

The video as I’m seeing it is basically thus, a brief summation of the journey back into Jennifer regaining her hunger and desire to get back into making music, after a series of personal tragedies saw her take a step back from being centre stage. (You can learn more about that here in a rather good interview conducted by Popjustice) The video follows Jennifer, leaving her apartment on a walkabout across town with her headphones on. With every step she takes the music pumping through her onboard speaker system seems to guide her back to reconnect with music making memories. By the closing shots of the clip it gives a sense that Jennifer’s back at home and in the right mindset to take the next step forward.

In as much as “Devil’s In The Details” is a resplendent example of superb pop crafting on Jennifer’s Paige’s part. The wait out for more as the “Starflower” album campaign kicks up to the next gear is a destination we’d be happy to be at real soon.