Australia’s Cub Sport is headed over to the UK pretty, soon. They will be playing The Waiting Room, London on the 8th and 9th May. As one of our new favourite bands (which our Editor Raj had the pleasure to meet up with recently for a chat), he has already secured a hot ticket to a show and is looking forward to experiencing Cub Sport’s intimate electronic songs live and unleashed for himself. I cannot emphasise enough, how special and spellbinding, the bands sophomore album, “BATS“, is. Singles “Chasin’” and “Good Guys Go” sound like an oasis of calm they are a world apart, from the manufactured pop songs which are, aimed at the charts. The songs are prime examples of earnest songwriting at it’s most intimate and personal with the most important example yet, explored in the gentle and romantic tones of “BATS” third single “Crush.”
Speaking to Billboard Tim Nelson gives some deeper, insight about the single, “In July 2016 on the final night of a two-month world tour, Bolan (Netterfield) and I finally admitted to each other that we were in love. It was a conversation we’d avoided having for about 8 years as we both struggled to come to terms with our true identities. “Crush” is about the night that completely changed the course of our lives and the enormous wave of emotions it brought on; happiness, relief, an instant regret for not saying something sooner and guilt that my struggles to embrace my true self-had left Bolan hanging in limbo.”
Of all the videos made in support of the album release. (and owing to its utmost, importance) the clip for “Crush” delivers a tasteful portrayal of intimacy, authenticity and being in love. Filmed at Joshua Tree forest, Arizona, the clip shows the loved-up couple, warmly, embracing while taking a shower. I wouldn’t say the visual is steamy or sexual. I view it more as a beautiful display of tenderness and affection which when listening to the album (which you MUST,) is exactly at the crux, of what it lyrically, melodically and stylistically, evokes.
Connect with Cub Sport
Twitter: @cubsportmusic