
Photo: Michela Nale
Check out the amazing photoshoot and article on Puzzle on Disorder

With the arrival of each and every new release by contemporary electronica artist Puzzle, it’s as though a layer of his mysterious persona is being brought into the open.

Nonetheless our fascination with the conceptual steered artist does anything but subside. When, quite the opposite process of becoming truly immersed in all of Puzzle’s creative artistry continues to take up hold of our core interest.

Following on from previous singles “Godlike” and “Trial By Fire”. The latest of Puzzle’s releases “Comedown” stands equally proud in stature by way of emitting precision fed kinetic beats together with a sinuous flow of conceptual digital arts presentation.

Retelling a tale of fractured love, (further elaborated upon by Puzzle during our recent EQ Interview) the track takes on an ominous tone whilst venturing into a soundscape once inhabited by Depeche Mode in their 80’s Violator heyday. When completely in the full grasp of sound it’s as though “Comedown” appears to have epically slipped into a “Blue Dress”.

Again with every visual package, the content shapes itself in a far bigger conceptual sense. “Comedown” leaps over Puzzle’s enigmatic shroud to part-way reveal the face that greeted us in our interview!, Only this time it is flanked with high rise towers of laser lights, strobes and graphic art as it’s backdrop not the ambiance of a coffee shop.

If Puzzle hasn’t won your attention yet, “Comedown” with all of its theatre of artistry and dramatics should see you firmly engaged and on the pulse with this highly enterprising new artist.

It’s only going to grow in vastness from here-on-in. Keep listening and watching!