Today is a good day. One of my favourite female pop duos, Reyna, not only, have a new song out called “ Coachella,” the ladies are, dropping the accompanying music video as well. I was actually, thinking that New Music Friday releases were likely to slow down, in these strange times. I am super-stoked to see Vic and Gab of Reyna are keeping on with keeping on and giving us the gift of another of their breezily, catchy pop releases.
The single is the first introduction to their upcoming debut EP set to be released later this year. And also acts as Reyna’s first release, following on from them signing their first label deal with Cosmica Artists. (I feel like Vic and Gab are always keeping me on my toes with news of their career milestones. Like, every time I am alerted about new music from them, they’ve also taken another major step forward, with signings etc.) Cool
Not that we are left in any doubt about what their latest, pop smash is about…
REYNA says, “We were at Coachella last year, and we had the most amazing experience and the time of our lives. When we got home and back to reality, we would joke with each other and say, “we were so happy at Coachella””
In light of the current situation, I am sorry to say, the girls may have missed a trick, in not giving some serious consideration of including a reference to the festival being re-dubbed ‘couchella’ this year. To be fair that, isn’t the main focus of the song. It’s about celebrating their Latin heritage. Sharing more of their identity and culture with the pop world. For the video, they initially planned to work with a director in the desert, but this visual was self-directed during their time at home during isolation. With all taken into account, I think this alternative idea has turned out, real good. There are still very visible and audible references to Reyna’s Mexican roots proudly carried aloft in the vibes of this song. It’s so authentic, I can almost feel the spiciness of this intoxicating pop song like a hit a five bean soup enlivening my senses. Nom, nom.
Connect with Reyna
Twitter: @REYNAtheband