
Wow did Will Young just put out the most powerful music video of his career?

Now, we know Will as a man of great standing, one who is passionately empathic about a range of social issues not least the LGBT community of course.

The video for latest “85% Proof” album release 4th single “Brave Man” goes the distance in an uninhibited fashion, candidly capturing an inspirational portrayal of a naked transgender man walking the streets of London, conveying his statement of being true to his authentic self. Whilst delivering his thought provoking message out to the public at large in a defiant act of zero expression and silence.

This is empowerment at its strongest level. A real gritty exposure of the topic at hand.

Bringing into the full gaze of public scrutiny and awareness just a little taster of what it is like for those within the LGBT community to come to face with on a day to day basis. When coming up against ignorance and intolerance that as an outer society of all humankind needs to be more knowledgeable and accepting of ALL indivduals life choices. Not only are that, recognising in actual fact it is not a life choice at all some of us born this way.

The video is nothing but the naked truth. It is a MUST watch!

Much kudos and love to Finn the trans actor involved in this piece and to Will for such unequivocally ‘real’ coverage.