Fess’ up people, how many us have strayed from the path already of newly resoluted beginnings, in affirming allegiance to the gym following the recent festive feastings?!
Chances are some of us have fallen by the way side already, yes?! So let’s remedy this by calling upon fitness ace and hip(ster) shaking chanteuse Cherie Lily for some inspirational moves set to the werk’d retro beats of her latest hip house pumping release “Body” to get us back on track.
Not only do we feel the burn post work-out but we feel the heat of Technotronic’s “Pump Up The Jam” and Deee-Lite’s “Groove Is In The Heart” rising up out of this body popping groove.
Let’s face it a little fitness instruction from Cherie Lily and her body beautiful back-up’s is always capable of getting us to jump to it and pour our own sweat over their moves.