It’s Thursday evening, it’s 7pm and it’s Top Of The Pops. But of course, sadly now its not! Oh well, one can only sit back in nostalgia and relive the thrill of the live performances, videos and chart run downs that once beamed down upon our teleboxes.
Here we have a helping hand to feed our imaginations from New Yorkers Ra Ra Riot, who go retro-tinged on their forthcoming 3rd studio album “Beta Love” recalling the hey day of when clunky technology ruled and we were all queuing around the block to get us the latest must have gadgets, and to own a Betamax was deemed cool.
Although, in Ra Ra Riot’s own speak it is translated as this: ‘Beta Love’s” songs are informed by the works of cyber punk novelist William Gibson and futurist Ray Kurzweil’s musings on technological singularity and transhumanism’
No I don’t think I fully understood all of that either! so best we just allow the same titled lead track do the talking, together with the video to fright us with a poodle perm or two, the Charlies Angels flick do’s, aviators, cheerleader sweaters…. and do feel free to look the other way if you cop an eyeful of the dreaded 80’s fashion faux pas the Hawaiian shirt.
Other than that, get down and get retro groovy, it’s Top Of The Pops night.
[youtube height=”360″ width=”640″][/youtube]