The cherubic synth-pop offerings keep on coming from newcomer, Raissa. You won’t hear me complaining about the frequency in which she keeps dropping off these tracks. As I found out from her previous releases “Bullying Boys” and “Valentine.” Raissa is a charmer. Her voice is so beautifully pure. Alluringly, sweet with an underlying worldly wiseness. She also has an adorable, magical aura about her that when she sings, I can’t help but be of the feeling she is spinning some sort of angel spell over, us all. Strangely enough “Angel Energy” is the title of her third single.
“Two people made me feel small and question my worth/abilities/sense, for the better part of two years, it really ate away at me. The song is about coming to terms with that and moving on. It’s bittersweet but empowering, getting through the pain of letting people hurt you for so long, says Raissa. I had also been listening to a lot of Eurythmics, and the feeling Annie Lennox describes in “There Must Be An Angel’ was something I felt I needed and wanted in my life, which I reference in “Angel Energy.”
I think I’ve been a bit slow at wholly catching on with the animation aesthetic Raissa uses in her music videos. I can’t argue with her that sometimes it would be nice to live in a cartoon world, rather than real life. Is it that Raissa sees, in cartoon life, you can be whatever you want to be just that bit more easily. I wouldn’t be surprised that, if at some, later date she will show us what other superpowers she possesses aside from being an exquisite, beguiling songstress, obviously. Her bright & dazzling kaleidoscope of melodies and visuals are brilliantly alluring with a difference. I can’t help but feel, all three of Raissa’s introductory offerings are the setting in motion of a hugely exciting new name in pop.
Did you notice? Raissa track “Bullying Boys” featured on the March 2020 edition of “This Beat Is Poptronik” Spotify playlist? Find it along with lots more, cool pop, electronic, and indie tracks, many, we have written about here on EQ Music Blog (at this link) Be ahead of the curve. Why not follow us on Spotify and YouTube, so you don’t miss out on the next Poptronik update!
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