After watching this video, you’ll feel like you need a bath as well.
New York City’s Naked Highway has some hot electro for you now in the form of new single “Wet Like Sweat”. Seriously it’s one nasty ass song and video – nakedness galore bordering on soft-core porn! Leave it to frontman Sy Boccari to get a bunch of his hipster friends together, get them naked and shoot a music video in his bath tub. The results – sex-ay and NSFW!
The video version of the song is done by hotly-tipped The Model (whom I just love) and the single is out now to buy on iTunes. I recommend the original mix of the song as well if your looking for a thumpin retro dance beat.
Download “Wet Like Sweat” now on and for those of you coming to the next EQ night on 6th March, you’ll get the complete remix package on CD courtesy of Naked Highway.