Here folks, we bring you one of those intriguing, mysterious artist alerts!

With no press photo so to speak of and no blurb to be found, the only factoid coming from his Soundcloud revealing that Solomon is from London. Well, it’s hardly news at all.

So let’s skip the lack of facts and anchor down on the teaser track “Vanilla”.

A sensually deep atmospheric soundscape envelopes the melody fabric of this track, tugging with a magnetizingly enigmatic gravitational pull of solemnity and pop noir style.

Think Massive Attack meets Bastille on an indie pop wasteland of forlorn melancholy and sedate austerity guided by a random blinking blue light of The Police’s “Roxanne” and you have arrived at Solomon.

Be further intrigued, and enlightened by the lyric video that’s one for the broad-minded and plunder a FREE DOWNLOAD from Solomon’s Tumblr.

[youtube height=”360″ width=”640 “][/youtube]