by Raj Rudolph
Dear Nathan, Siva, Jay, Max and Tom –
Well look at this boys, you have most certainly have arrived now haven't you. Look how pretty you all look on the cover of Billboard Magazine!
You've come a long way since we first wrote about you in April 2010 and I'm ever so proud of all that you've accomplished. I'll never forget the time I interviewed all five of you in the boardroom at Lucid HQ. I'm glad you came to talk to little ol me, it wasn't an all time low that's for sure – quite the opposite indeed.
You deserve all the success in the world as you're one of the most lovely, excitable and talented group of boys who can sing that I've met in a long time.
You're the new Take That and that makes me very happy – it's only the begining, fasten your seatbelts and stay out of trouble. I want to keep writing about you for many more years to come.
PS – Tom, I still would you know…call me.