Remember Nitevisions? Those sons of Duran Duran have been keeping a rather low profile and getting news on them has usually taken a bit of investigative work lately. But I've just learned that the hot synth duo have changed their name officially to Dekade and they have a new MySpace page that you can stream tracks from – finally!
Check out "Haunt You" which seems to be getting the most plays at the moment. I do have to say that Dekade sound more New Order than Duran Duran if you ask me – and that's totally cool. I'm not expecting the boys to carry on their father's legacy or anything, but rather just excited that the buzz is starting to build a bit more for them as I liked what I heard when they were Nitevisions. One has to ponder though – with acts like Monarchy and Hurts sporting the whole serious male pop thing right now, is there room for another serious electronic male pop act right now? I sure hope so…I really dig what these Dekade are doing.
Dekade on MySpace