Imagine this. You’re deaf and living alone out in the woods, happy and content as an author with great neighbours and a connection to the outside world via your friends and family on Facetime. Sounds great eh? Maddie seems to think so, except she has a hard time cooking – she’s really bad at it. Then along comes a stranger…
If you’re one of those people that think the horror genre has died a death all on it’s own, then I urge you to check out Hush which is currently streaming on Netflix. It’s been a while since a horror flick truly creeped me out. Hush has a realism about it that makes you think, “Shit, this could happen to me.” Maybe you might want to think twice about booking that quaint little cabin in the wilderness on Airbnb. When there are crossbow wielding maniacs out there content on stalking you until your lights go out, suddenly a city break doesn’t sound so bad.
Having saw this flick ahead of it’s Netflix release at SXSW in Austin last month, I couldn’t wait to watch it again when it dropped online on April 8th. Think you’ve exhausted your Netflix subscription already, give Hush a watch and you can bet you’ll be double-checking your apartment locks tonight…
If you were a fan of The Strangers then this film is for you.