When I moved to London ten years ago, I used to love waking up on Saturday mornings and watching CD:UK. It was like cartoons for the discerning pop loving music snob like myself. By the afternoon you knew who was number one, who was looking and sounding HOT and and which CDs had to buy the following week. Then when the digital rise of illegal downloading erupted, suddenly these shows just stopped. It was sad. My Saturday mornings were then just filled with boring teen dramas and horseracing on telly.
Well it seems that the pop music variety show just may be making a comeback. Enter Kimberly Walsh of Girls Aloud and her fresh-faced friend Will Best. They will be hosting new pop music variety show with focus on the latest showbiz news, alongside exclusive interviews and live special performances from some of the world’s top artists on rising UK entertainment channel Viva!
Suck My Pop will launch on July 23rd on Friday nights on Viva and will be going up against Davina's eviction show on Big Brother, but with the usefulness of Channel 4 +1, that shouldn't be too much of a problem I'm hoping.
Fingers crossed – I really do hope Suck My Pop is a success. There has been a few false starts with bringing the pop music variety show back, but something tells me this could work with Kimberly Walsh at the forefront.