Our steadfast congregation of EQ readers will know already that one of our outright favourite electro pop duo’s Van Go Lion, called time on their pop creation at the end of last year. Sad times, indeed.
Good times come calling though, since rising like a phoenix out of the electro pop pyre left behind in the demise of Van Go Lion, top of the class vocalist Amy Paige has found herself a new music making companion to tickle the electronic ivories in Jason Wann and together they are calling their newly born pop creation Sobriquet.
We know Amy’s vocal pedigree is right up there on our top shelf of our adored female artistes here on EQ, so great things beckon from her latest collaboration.
Let’s delve right in on the debut EP “Familiar Strangers”, and become familiar with Sobriquet, through a selection of their nuggets of perfect pop.
For up-beat dance stomps – check out both “Neon Lies” and “Summer”
Pop excellence is achieved though in my opinion, through the synth dazzling and electro firecracker glitter of “Love Is A Sin”
Sure you’d like to hear more of Sobriquet wouldn’t you?…… and you can do so my checking out the full “Familiar Strangers EP” up on their Soundcloud.
Before we leave you to do just that, we’re going to roll out one last synthy gem that is gloriously buzzing and disco-roller fantastic – “Make Yr Choices”.
If all this new music wasn’t gift enough, Sobriquet are also offering this track to EQ readers as a FREE DOWNLOAD.
Our choice and mind is made up, we think they’re great!
“Familiar Strangers” is now readily available via itunes