Just as I was preparing myself for another round of Scissor Sisters world domination with the release of their highly anticipated third album, solo sister Del Marquis has just announced the release of his fourth EP and maxi-single (wow-didn’t know those existed anymore) called “Runaround” – which finds our Del fondling the electronica beats this go round, and well, that kinda gets me all excited.
I’ve had a sneak peak of the EP’s title track and remixes and it’s quite divine to say the least. Taking 80’s influence from the likes of Tears For Fears and Level 42, I think this EP could be Del Marquis’ best solo work yet. Make sure you check out Del’s MySpace as he’s uploaded a snippet of “Runaround” for all of you to hear.
If you missed the EQ interview with Del back in May, make sure you check that as well!
“Runaround” is released on Embryroom on September 22nd and EQ will be posting more news on the release as it comes in!