We caught up with James Knights, vocalist from rising new band Scarlet Soho whose latest single ‘Analogue Diaglogue (Kill The Beat)’ really has us jumping around our loft with electro retro excitement. Take a minute to get to know them over at MySpace and in our little interview below with James. Scarlet Soho seem to like EQ readers so much that they will even send you a free cd! Wicked.
Electroqueer: So ‘Analogue Diaglogue (Kill The Beat)’ is a fantastic choice of single. Tell us more about it – is there a story behind it?
Scarlet Soho: We were interested in making a modern sounding single this time round, one that not only made people dance, but also attempted to describe the feelings you experience when you hear a great record in a club or on the radio for the first time.
EQ: You guys have been gigging a lot latley, tell us about some of your recent adventures on the road…and where can we catch you this summer?
SS: March was very busy for us. We started the tour in Plymouth, which ended up being a great warm-up show for our date with Iamx in London two days later. Along the way we had a great sell out show in Edinburgh, and a really wild homecoming date in my hometown of Winchester! This Summer we are not playing many shows in the UK, but we do have two shows at the Montreux festival in Switzerland which will be fun. More UK dates will come in September.
EQ: How did you guys come up with your name?
SS: There really is no story behind the name i’m afraid to say. We just thought it worked well with our sound!
EQ: Your biggest electro influences. Name em.
SS: We are all into very different things. Overall, i’d say there’s some Wall of Voodoo in there, Kraftwerk, Ultravox, Tiefschwarz, and that kind of thing.
EQ: If you could duet or collaborate with any one of the acts in our banner…who would it be?
SS: I think it would be Tracey Thorn or maybe Siobhan Donaghy, Siobhan may just edge it!
EQ: You guys have been getting compared to Depeche Mode…what are your thoughts on that? Good comparison?
SS: Some of the tracks on our first album were produced in a similar way to theirs. I think it’s fair to say we were still learning the trade at that stage. It’s a little more exciting now we have time to experiment a little more than before.
EQ: What are your plans for the future? Album release or video perhaps?
SS: We are talking to labels in Europe as we speak, and trying to find a deal for our second album. Things are a bit more open over here. We will have to wait and see what happens in the UK.
EQ: Do you prefer to remain an indie band with more control over your music or would you jump at the chance of major label signing?
SS: I’ve yet to be convinved by a major UK label that they’d really know what to do with us. That said, people are hired and fired at labels all the time, so who knows who we may be talking to in the future!
I’d never say never.
EQ: Does Scarlet Soho actually hang out in London’s soho? If so – where can we catch you?
SS: We only really get to go to London to play shows now. It’s unfortunate, but i can’t remember my/our last time in Soho. Maybe we will have to set up a gig there in future!
EQ: Anything you’d like to shout out to EQ Readers?
SS: Sure, if anyone out there would like a free Scarlet Soho sample cd, send an email with an address to [email protected]