Photo: Michela Nale
Check out the amazing photoshoot and article on Puzzle on Disorder
With the arrival of each and every new release by contemporary el...
Last week we got the pleasure to sit down and chat to the eniamatic, rising electronic pop artist Puzzle.
Photo: Laura Lewis
The music and art pieces are beginning to inter-link forming a bigger picture into revealing more of who the enigmatic artist known to...
Photo: Laura Lewis
An artist giving up their work as a canvas of experimental opportunity to others on behalf of the artistic development involved, is an...
The chosen artist name of PUZZLE, surely is accurately referencing the enigmatic character of this newly emerging electronic pop act based out of London. It...
A music video that leaves viewers to ponder what did I just watch?... in their new collaboration Salvatore Ganacci & Tommy Cash creates a bewildering experience that challenges viewers to interpret its meaning.