Now for those of you who actually know the Electroqueer editor personally, you'll know that he has what he calls 'an obsession' with 80's teen queen Tiffany.&nb...
There was a point where chillout band Zero 7 were so popular in the UK that Electroqueer had to denounce them for awhile. And when we say denounce, we mea...
Here are your DD recommendations for Wednesday, 1 March 2006. Today's theme is 'The Next Lilith Generation'....
Shelly Poole - Totally Underwater: Nice gr...
Hello Electroqueer readers...Here are your DDs for Tuesday, 27 February 2006. The theme for today's songs is 'Unrequited Love'.
James Blunt - Goodbye My L...
Oh dear - our boy George just doesn't seem to have the best of luck with the authorities these appears he has been arrested again on drug charges in L...