Canadian Vivek Shraya has created a fine piece of work with his unashamedly electro album 'If Were Not Talking' that is sure to satisfy your electronica cravi...
Every once in awhile our friends 'one up us' and discover a group that has a fab track out that we didn't know about, and today's such example is Super Mal fe...
Y'know one of the great things about being a music blogger is that you are constantly being exposed to new music via word-of-mouth from the acts you write abou...
Sure his eye makeup is a little scary and those boots of his could do some harm (let's just say we wouldn't want to get kicked with em) but electro/indie croon...
Siobhan Donaghy's new album is quite easily one of the most important albums to be released this year. 'Ghosts' is a maginifcent journey into the depths ...
Went and saw 'Fantastic Four : Rise Of the Silver Surfer' last night and it was ok. Terrible acting, kinda like the first F4 movie, but being that we are comic...