
OK I know what you're thinking – this shit is gay gay gay. But you know what, it's also pretty brilliant at the same time.

Meet Cassidy Hayley – he's quite a successful clothing designer and owns his own company called Skin Graft and he loves to make music on the side and from what I've just seen and heard, he's onto something quite good here.

Adam Lambert is a big fan too – he recently tweeted about Cassidy Haley's music video to "Whiskey In Churches" and caught a little flack about it from one of America's conservatives saying that he "shouldn't shove the Cassidy Hayley video out to under 16 year olds…"  Adam responded, "I shoved nothing – chill out!"…

So what's the fuss all about?  Well check out the music video for yourself right here on EQ and once you're done with that, head on over to Cassidy Haley's MySpace for yourself and prepare to fall charmed to the budding new electro-rock-acoustica musican.  I'm a fan now – I think Cassidy needs to start embarking on an international takeover.  He kinda reminds me of a more accessible IAMX with the penetration factor of Nine Inch Nails.  He's very good…

And not coming at a surprise to me at all, my friends over on Queersighted have known about him for a couple months now – check out what they had to say about him.