
You know, we’ve been to a fair amount of press launches this year (a lot of which have been rather dull) but last night’s party at the Soho Revue Bar for disco-funksters Paleday has definitley won the prize.  The event was pretty much a New Years Eve party complete with sparkly hats and an overly enthusiastic crowd that was dancing like it was 1999 the whole evening.  We’ve only just heard about Paleday the other day and to walk into a packed music venue full of what it seemed to be Paleday fans and eager press, it was rather exciting! 

To describe Paleday in a nutshell, let’s just call them a bit of Scissor Sisters attitude mixed in with the joyous sound of Culture Club with a sprinkling of Pet Shop Boys as you can see in their matching hats above.  The big song they are pushing is a new disco anthem called ‘Eurotramp’ which you can hear below – it reminds us that fun euro dance diddys haven’t been lost forever – they are most certainly here to stay!  And you know that the EQ loves a good disco boogie after all dont’cha?!

So why don’t you take a listen to Paleday now over on their MySpace or stream the track below. ‘Eurotramp’ will be released soon and in the words of the lead singer Anthony, "The album is coming, more than (he) did last year"! 

Oh my – tee hee.


And here’s Gerilicous getting into the Paleday disco groove…
