You know, I’m trying to keep an open mind when it comes to hard rock and with a band like Neurosonic out there, it proves to me that not all hard rock is rubbish.
If it wasn’t for the fact that Neurosonic got the whole Placebo thing going on slightly, I might have not sat up and listened to these guys. But what I found upon my first listen, was a pop-tinged industrial band that infuses rock and electronica in a delightful way that somehow works for me – so just possibly they might work for you as well.
Check them out on MySpace – I quite like their down-tempo rock ballad "Me Myself and I" as well. It’s definitley worth a listen. And here’s their new video from their album "Drama Queen" called "So Many People" that has had me in a joyous rock rhapsody the last couple of days.
It’s always good to mix things up a bit isn’t it…You might also be suprised that I own a few Linkin Park CDs too in the EQ arhives…Enjoy.