One of the bright new pop stars that EQ has been championing for awhile now is the very cool and very poptastic LA based Monti Montanez. I've been secretly listening to his demo album for a couple of months now and it's quite easily the BEST pop album I've heard this year – no joke. I've lovingly decided to call the as-yet untitled demo album "Explode" until it actually blows up into the world and in your ears. It's only a demo at this stage, but this mega hot demo is one of those magical pop treasures that I've been absolutely DYING to tell the world about.
Just today, Monti unveiled the first teaser for what might possibly be the first single from the project. It's a powerful Latin pop jam that is not only slammin, but really showcases the energy, intensity and charisma that Monti brings to today's pop music scene. There is a reason people are starting to call Monti Montanez the new Ricky Martin and I think you might understand why as well once you see the first teaser below…enjoy.
BTW – the track in this vid is one that I've been playing in my DJ sets for awhile now…You can come hear me play it again this Friday at Queen Sound System in Shoreditch.