Draper is keeping the flow of hits coming. His latest “Worst Of Us” follows the accomplished form of his previous releases. Again, we hear the master strokes of Draper’s well-used production techniques come to the fore, in addition to his usual polished melody-making. The rising producer is also airing his vocals for the very first time here.
Draper hasn’t gone all Calvin Harris on us though as his singing efforts are placed a bit further into the background. In the foreground, it is a mystery female singer who takes the vocal lead. Knowing of Draper’s preference for collaborating with emerging artists, I highly suspect whoever this enigmatic singer is, we will be hearing more about them very soon enough.
“Worst Of Us” is a high-energy track, propulsive and driving with frenetic vibrancy. One which is made to light up the dancefloor and ignites a hearty response from a festival crowd looking for a reason to party. Uniting and acceptance are the themes dealt with at “Worst Of Us“. Loving your friends and their flaws, pretty much sum it up.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drapermusic
Twitter: @drapermusic