By Mandy Rogers

Having been an avid follower of Lawson for some time, for the fan girl in me this day hasn’t come soon enough!

This on the rise boy band can rightly consider themselves to be riding on the cream of the crop of the best of them, that keep flowering up quicker than a lawn full of daisies.

Having been a touch miffed by the fact that I missed out seeing them, by a day or so as they didn’t cover the date I got to see Will Young, as they formed part of a shared tour support with him. I’ve been sated by their stunning acoustic covers on youtube and peaks in on their original material, that were brought to our attention by some HOT FUSS info action. News of this tease is what I’ve been craving!

Let’s cut to the debut, “When She Was Mine”. As I held out for so much promise of, Lawson have indeed delivered!  it’s a zesty pop fruity punch, that goes down better with every listen, basically it’s everything you’d be wanting in a boy banders pop song, and like me is going have the growing Lawson community all of a buzz, especially those that they have accrued via touring with Will Young, Avril Lavigne and The Wanted!