Wake The Wild

When on the look-out for sunny pop vibes, as good a place to start is by checking in on some of world renowned hot-spots, the countries and towns associated with sunshine appeal. For instance your Gold Coast in Australia and or the sunny climes of L.A., anywhere that filters it’s sunshine state of mind into its music.

Los Angeles has always proved to be a particular hotbed for it, and so many of its bands tap into the hazy, dazy, dreamy musicality that it lends so readily to be doused in copious amounts of glistening synth styled shimmer.

A well advised structure that L.A. newcomers Wake The Wild are only to wise to settle upon as they’ve gone about their launch with debut effort “Touch The Ground”.

Soaked up in the sunny charisma which Los Angeles basks in, this enigmatic band of newcomers are pretty hot on it, with dishing out the dance drenched melodic pop. It has all the feels what would make a beach-party go off with more than a splash of fun, owing to its on-point euphoric release.

Essentially the bars and melody are simply oozing of unadulterated fun times, shaped up in effervescent rays of synth sunshine to produce a like for like re-imagining of audio realized beach pop.

Quite honestly, what’s not to like. When ”Touch The Ground” acts to involuntarily switch your mind of course to daydream a few minutes away in its blissfully upbeat company. Any track that can do that is worth more than just a few listens, it’s the kind which all too soon could become a go-to on your playlist or better still a firm favourite in no time.