Last we year we noted Disney actress turned singer Hayley Kiyoko as following an intriguing path into a music career set about a buzz release of the eclectically quirky track titled “A Belle To Remember” but it is now a year on that Hayley realises her debut single release of “This Side Of Paradise”.
For emerging singer Kiyoko, it has never been in the scheme of things to go all out candy pop mainstream, as is the way with the majority of Disney / Nickelodeon re-born singers, instead she’s favoured going left of centre a little forming an eclectic sound palate of indie-centric electronic strewn pop in which to complement her ethereally graceful vocal tone in her writing and production.
The resulting “This Side Of Paradise” not only astutely factor’s the aforementioned into its fabric, it also achieves an enchanting pull of an esoterically woven allure about it.
Some might care to comment that “This Side Of Paradise” doesn’t quite configure itself into the ways and strengths of the American pop market as is, as I see it gaining more interest from further afield like with us avant-garde indulging Brits or even the elect Swedish pop sorcerers.
I feel “This Side Of Paradise” really does showcase what it is that Hayley Kiyoko has been working towards in garnering appraisal for her encouragingly brought about potential, a little direction in where it is marketed so that it’s pop worth is not diminished is the key to see her music career flourish though.