
Good things come to those that wait, but trying telling that to us who are beside ourselves in anticipation for Aquilo’s debut album to arrive!

Such smoothly sweet sounds will be more than welcomed after the party season is wrapped up and put away in boxes only to know that Aquilo’s “Silhouettes” will be waiting in the wings for a 27th January, 2017 delivery.

The ebbs of sonic harmonies and openly honest lyricism are just as elementally interesting as the transcending vocals from Tom are utterly mesmerizing. And wholly shades of emotive, gleaned by the inspiration from the stunning Lake District landscape that Aquilo call home.

So in among the party songs and tipsters taste-making, there is a little jewel of exquisiteness from Aquilo to discover. Leading us there is the polished studio version of “Sorry” which is another fine example of the mercurial hushed tones, piano strokes and sonic ambience that defines the duo’s compellingly, majestic sound.