We had our first taste of Avec Sans upcoming sophomore album “Succession” at the beginning of October, by way of their thrumming electro-pop track “Altitude.” The explosive reintroduction to the band indicated that they hadn’t come to play. After welcoming Willow Sellers as the band’s third member, Avec Sans have renewed vigour. Where most importantly, they feel vastly inspired to push the musical envelope. Following up with “Slow Dance Down” as their second release of this new album campaign. The trio flips their electronic styling once again, plumping for an altogether sleek and softer, approach.
Avec Sans’ Alice Fox said of Slow Dance Down:
“The song conjures the spirit of the dance marathons in Depression-era 30s America. Competitions that went on for hundreds of hours with people clinging on to each other to stay upright in a desperate bid to win prize money.”
I must say, the concept of this track isn’t something that I have given much thought about before. I wonder what has prompted them to explore this theme? Perhaps that it is complete, polar-opposite to that of the EDM genres, renowned dancefloor-filling anthems. An interesting, change in direction from the band, nonetheless. Swathed in their newfound sonic dreaminess. The trio appears to relish jumping on every available opportunity to experiment with different patches of sound. Jack, Willow and Alice have opted for a framework of otherworldly, spacey beats, I even detect the appearance of a whistling synth. (A sound which takes me right back to my childhood, listening to Jeff Wayne’s epic musical interpretation of, H.G. Wells renowned tale of alien invasion, “War Of The Worlds.”) Wow, funny how just a sound can take you right back in time.
Also, because of the nostalgia trip “Slow Dance Down” has taken me on, I now have an image of cinematic styled visuals planted in my head. I hope when Avec Sans showcase with an exclusive album launch show in May 2021 they think down similar creative lines. In the meantime, the band’s, own Jack St. James has animated a trippy video to further evoke the dizzying, mood of Avec Sans latest song.
Connect with Avec Sans
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avecsansband
Twitter: https://twitter.com/avecsans
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avecsans/
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